Assessment/Development Center

The Assessment/Development Centre is currently one of the most objective diagnostic techniques in which tests and situational tasks are used. By observing and evaluating behaviour in simulated real-life situations, AC/DC techniques allow us to assess the candidate’s professional predispositions on theoretical and practical grounds. Verification of practical skills allows us to predict how the candidate will manage in a new work environment. As a result, the AC/DC method is a valuable recruitment tool.


The course of the evaluation process

AC/DC is a method based on tasks in which candidates are forced to cope with situations that they are likely to face in the workplace. While candidates perform their tasks, a team of specialized assessors evaluates the behaviour of individual candidates in the context of the soft skills desired at a given job position, including:

– negotiation skills,

– creativity,

– ability to cope with difficult situations,

– ability to work under pressure,

– ability to cooperate with others,

– managerial skills.



Given the ability of obtaining a broad picture of the competencies of employees and candidates, the Assessment Centre method is particularly recommended as a tool in:

– the recruitment process for the most senior managerial positions,

– the recruitment process for mid-level managerial positions,

– the verification of the competences of the management staff,

– the assessment of employees’ professional potential,

– designing paths of professional development of employees,

– building and implementing a competence management system.

ssessment/Development Center