


Realizujemy projekty rekrutacyjne na terenie:
Ukrainy, Litwy, Łotwy, Estonii, Czech, Słowacji, Węgier, Austrii, Niemiec, Bułgarii i Rumunii, a także Rosji.

Współpracujemy na zasadach partnerskich z wieloma cenionymi firmami doradczo-rekrutacyjnymi na terenie CEE i SEE w tym między innymi:


Talent Source is an boutique, independent Executive Search firm focused on Central/Eastern Europe, Turkey and Spain, and dedicated to providing an exceptional professional service to their clients.

Most of positions handled by Talent Source are strong middle management level, but in certain circumstances Talent Source also provides assistance with key entry level positions, as well as the top management level (including Managing Director level and Managing Partner level positions). Our Partner is especially experienced with Sales, Marketing, Finance, Legal, and HR positions.